Fleming Colorado Property Rules & Regulations

Fleming Code of Ordinances

This is a quick access guide of the Town of Fleming’s town ordinances. The purpose of this document is to make it easier to understand Fleming’s town code for living in the Town of Fleming.

Each section will link to the corresponding Town Ordinance, as to avoid any confusion. It is strongly encouraged that you read the actual ordinance for full clarity.

If you have any questions concerning the Fleming Town Code or a Town Ordinance, contact our Town Hall or join us at our monthly Town Council meeting located at the Town Hall every second Wednesday of the month at 6:30PM.

Table of Contents

Click on links below to navigate directly to the section



Changing Elections Date

Power Purchase Agreement

Zoning Ordinance Intro & Map

Permits for Building & Non-Conforming Use

Administration & Enforcement (Zoning Ordinance)

District Regulations (Zoning Ordinance)

Space Requirements (Zoning Ordinance)

Fences (Zoning Ordinance)

Signs (Zoning Ordinance)

Non-Conforming Uses (Zoning Ordinance)

Supplementary Regulations (Zoning Ordinance)

Nuisances - Ordinance #2-2005

Animals - Ordinance #4-2020

Changing Elections from Apr. to Nov. - Ordinance #1-2023

Power Purchase Agreement - Ordinance #1-2024

Zoning - Ordinance #5-2020

Building & Non-Confirming Permits

Administration and Enforcement: Zoning Ordinance Section 4

District Regulations: Zoning Ordinance Section 5

Space Requirements: Zoning Ordinance Section 6

Fences: Zoning Ordinance Section 7

Signs: Zoning Ordinance Section 8

Non-Conforming Uses: Zoning Ordinance Section 9

Supplementary Regulations: Zoning Ordinance Section 10